Holistic Innovative Eudcation is a fun and effective pedagogy that combines educational
psychology, drama in education and whole brain learning. Students learn to
listen, speak, read and write through multisensory activities. With positive
attitudes and high expectation teachers, students are actively participating
and engaging. We encourage small group discussions and presentations in order
to cultivate a harmonious sharing and cooperative learning atmosphere.
This learning process involves literacy, as we focus language development from words, vocabulary(nouns, verbs, quantifiers, adjectives…), phrases and sentences in order to build a strong language foundation for our students.
Listen carefully
Courage to express oneself
Respect, Collaboration & Cooperation, Responsibility
Learn to ask, Learn to plan
Be curious, Love to explore
Emotion management,
Time management,
Physical Abilities, Safety awaereness
Originality, Flexibility
Fluency, Innovation
Initiative, Well organized
Tackle problems appropriately
Use of knowledge, Understand,
Analyze self-reflection